Our speaker was scheduled for this week and last. Unfortunately, he was still getting over the flu so he was unable to be with us again this week.
This week we discussed the proper response to situations, even when you feel they are being wronged. To help the boys gain perspective, we used a game called Good, Bad, and Ugly. They boys were given case scenarios and were asked to write a good, bad, and ugly response. For example, how should you handle it if someone is talking bad about you behind your back? They give you three responses such as talking with the person involved about what happened, not confronting but disassociating with the person, or starting an argument. I used five scenarios and had discussion about the various responses as we went. I made up the scenarios based upon things I thought the students were confronted with regularly.
Journal Topic: Describe a good and bad way of handling yourself when a teacher corrects you even when you feel like you are in the right (provide a half page on each).